- 888.817.7575 x254
Department of Aging
Local and State Agency Support Solutions
CMD provides call center support for the State of Maryland Senior Call Check Program.
Maryland is the first state in the country to start a free, opt-in, telephonic service to check on Maryland’s older residents, all across the state. This support is part of the States New Aging Initiative where state law requires setting up a call support system that participants can access every day to verify their wellbeing or to verify if they are in need of assistance.
A first of its kind program that Participants receive an automated call every day.
- These calls take place within a time frame chosen by the participant.
- If the participant does not answer their first call, they will be called two additional times in the same day.
- If those calls go unanswered, an alternate person, selected by the participant, will be notified.
- This alternate could be an adult child, a neighbor, or anyone designated as a reliable contact.
- The alternate will then be asked to check on the participant.
- For those who do not have an alternate or whose alternate is unresponsive, the program will notify the participant’s local nonemergency service.